Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering

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The vision of the program offering entity:

To build competent professional Electrical and Electronic Engineers through quality education, to be a Center of Excellence, and become a source of cutting-edge technologies.

The mission of the offering entity:

The mission of the Electrical and Electronic Engineering (EEE) program at The International University of Scholars is as follows: -

  • To offer good quality Under-Graduate program in Electrical and Electronic Engineering
  • To provide state-of-the-art resources that contribute to achieving excellence in teaching-learning, research, and development activities
  • To develop human resources in the field of Electrical and Electronic Engineering based on industrial and societal needs
  • To enable students to develop skills to solve complex technological problems of current times and also provide a framework for promoting collaborative and multidisciplinary activities
  • To inculcate moral and ethical values among the faculty and students 
Objectives of the program offering entity:

The objectives of the undergraduate program are to provide students with an excellent academic experience and to equip graduates with the ability to solve a broad range of problems in our rapidly changing technological, economic, and social environment. To this end, the faculty is committed to educating graduates who have the following:

  • a strong foundation and knowledge in engineering fundamentals with a capacity to know how, when, and where to use the knowledge in specific ways;
  • an ability to identify, formulate, analyze, and solve engineering problems;
  • comprehensive knowledge of the fundamentals of engineering practice, including an ability to use analytical techniques, experimental and laboratory skills, and modern engineering simulation and design software tools;
  • broad knowledge of the principles and skills in engineering design, development, and management in global, cultural, and business contexts;
  • a multidisciplinary view with an ability to work effectively as members of teams, composed of individuals from different disciplines and different professional cultures;
  • strong oral and written communication skills with a capacity to produce effective technical documents and use current communication techniques and tools;
  • a culture of life-long learning with a capacity to engage in continuous self-improvement, personal enrichment, and professional development; and
  • a broad sense of social, ethical, and professional responsibility with a capacity to demonstrate an understanding and appreciation of the human dimension of technology and its impact on mankind.
Description of the program: 

The Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering (EEE) was established at The International University of Scholars in 2015 when it started its activities. It offers 4 Years graduation program leading to the degree of B.Sc. in Electrical and Electronic Engineering. Electrical and Electronic Engineering is a field of engineering that generally comprises a number of subfields including electrical power engineering, electromagnetism, electronics, digital systems, telecommunications, electrical machinery and drive systems, control systems, mobile cellular, signal processing, instrumentation, and a microprocessor which are covered with the excellence of the faculty members of this department. The department is committed to the study and analysis of fundamental as well as applied problems. By including the major emerging areas for coverage in the new curriculum, the course equips the department to be at the forefront of technological development and innovation. The curriculum has been designed in such a way that helps to develop the ability of students to cope with our rapidly changing society and industry needs as well as their morality to contribute their learning to humankind.

According to the guideline of UGC, the bachelor’s program in Electrical and Electronic Engineering offers 141 credits consisting of 8 semesters.  The program is designed in such a way that it enables a student to attain knowledge from basics to advanced levels of Electrical and Electronic Engineering and relevant interdisciplinary courses to fulfill the requirement of the program.

